Carpooling info

Two choices

Some volunteering Rennes players will offer a carpooling option on Thursday morning, leaving from Rennes train station, easily reachable by subway. You can specify, during the registration, your time of arrival at the train station, choosing from a timetable (ranging from 11 to 12:30).
You can also take the train to Caulnes train station, near Guitté, on Friday or Saturday morning, by specifying it, with the arrival time, in the "Carpooling miscellaneous" field of the registration form.

Warning, limited number of places!

Places from Rennes train station are numbered and will go on a first-come (with a specified time and date), first-served basis. The carpooling from Caulnes train station is "unlimited" though.


How to find Ker Al Lann ?

Ker Al Lann is located next to the Rophemel Lake, near Guitté, on the border between Ille-et-Vilaine and Côtes d'Armor.


Village vacances Ker al Lann
Lac de Rophemel
22350 GUITTE
