Tournament rules

Main tournament

- French rules, komi 7.5.
- Time setting : 1 hour + 15 stones / 5 minutes.
- Tournament with 7 even games, and rank-based categories.
- FFG Membership mendatory for French and permanent residents.
- Registration with FFG or EGF rank.
- Registration fee : 15€ (10€ if -18 years old, student or unemployed). +5€ if no advance registration.
- Titleholder : Mathieu « Mistaa Robotto » Delli-Zotti.

Blitz French Championship

La coupe du tournoi de blitz - French rules, komi 7.5.
- Time setting : 10 minutes, Sudden Death.
- Tournament preliminaries league and knock-out finals, handicap -2.
- Registration with FFG or EGF rank.
- Registration fee : a small present (harmonica, fancy hat, toys, etc.) or your choice.
- Prizes : the presents will be shared between all Blitz players. The champion will also receive the "Blitz is wrong" cup !
- Titleholder : Tanguy « Django » Le Calvé.

Ghost-Go tournament

- Rules : ghost-go is a variation from regular Go, with 2 players and 1 referee. Players play back-to-back, each with one board, without seeing his opponent's moves. The referee must duplicate the game on a third board, announce « impossible moves » (because of another stone already there, the lack of liberty, the rule of ko...) and all atari and capture. A game is played on a 9x9 Go board.
- No registration fee.
- Titleholder : Alban « Big Cheese » Granger

Breton Killer game

- Rules : the Killer game is a game played with as many players as desired, where each player gets a secret mission, involving a target and an action. To assassinate the target, the player must make the target complete the secret action, while avoiding getting assassinated by another player. After each assassination, the player retrieves the victim's mission, until there's only one left standing.
- No registration fee.